CFP: Chinese Theologies, Yale Divinity School – June 2022
We would like to share the following call for papers from Dr. Chloë Starr (Yale Divinity School). Please direct any questions or proposal submissions to Dr. Starr at
Chinese Theology: Call for Papers
The final conference in our series of three conferences on Chinese Theologies will be held at Yale Divinity School (New Haven, Connecticut) 1-3 June 2022 with the theme of “Academic and Diasporic theologies.” The conference be hybrid: paper-givers are welcome to come in person, but may also present online if travel is difficult. Scholars are invited to submit abstracts for papers discussing 1) any aspect of theological thought or thinkers in “academic theology” or the “Sino-Christian theology” movement in mainland China; 2) or to explore theological thought or thinkers among diasporic Chinese theologians (including Malaysia, North America, Singapore, and Taiwan etc.) and Hong Kong theologians Economy air travel and accommodation will be paid for participants who come in person. Please send paper topics and 200-word abstract (in Chinese or English) by 07 March 2022 to All conference participants are expected to offer new, original papers for inclusion in an edited volume.
我们关于中国神学的三场系列会议的最后一场会议将于 2022 年 6 月 1 日至 3 日在耶鲁大学神学院(康涅狄格州纽黑文市)举行,主题为“ 学术和离散神学”。我们欢迎学者亲自来,但如果旅行有困难, 也可在线出席。此次会议有两个平行的主题: 1)中国大陆“学术神学”或“汉语神学” 运动的神学思想或思想家; 2)非大陆华人神学家(包括马来西亚、北美、新加坡、 香港和台湾等)的神学思想或思想家。 如果您的论文被接受,主办方将承担您的往返旅费(经济舱) 及住宿费。与会者未曾发表的原创论文最后将结集出版。 请有意参加的学者将论文题目和200字摘要(中文或英文) 在2022年03月07日之前发送至chloe.starr@