Sino-Christian Architecture: Scholars Respond to Adelbert Gresnigt, OSB (1877-1956)

On April 19-21, 2021, the Department of History at Whitworth University will host a symposium on Sino-Christian architecture. The events are free and open to the public. A fuller description of the symposium may be found here.

Meeting ID: 828 8770 8272

Monday, 19 April (USA, Pacific Time)

Introduction: 8:00-8:05 am 
Dr. Amanda C. R. Clark (Associate Dean/Library Director, Whitworth University)

Opening: 8:05-8:15 am 
Dr. Thomas Coomans (University of Leuven)
“Adelbert Gresnigt's Background and Artistic Mission to China”

Talk 1: 8:15-9:30 am 
Dr. Anthony E. Clark (Whitworth University)
“Jesuits and the Sino-Gothic Vision of China”
[Respondent: Dr. Joseph Tse-hei Lee (Pace University)]

Talk 2: 9:35-10:55 am 
Dr. Thomas Coomans (University of Leuven)
“Building a Sino-Catholic Citadel in the Heart of Beijing: Furen University, Architectural Inculturation and Modernity”
[Respondent: Dr. Eugenio Menegon (Boston University)]

Talk 3: 11:00 am-12:30 pm 
Dr. Stephanie Wong (Valparaiso University)
“The ‘True Spirit’ of China: Celso Costantini and Adelbert Grenigt’s Theology of Cultural Genius and Inspiration”
[Respondent: Dr. Easten Law (OMSC, Princeton Theological Seminary)]

Tuesday, 20 April (USA, Pacific Time)

Talk 1: 8:00-9:15 am 
Dr. David Wang (Washington State University)
“The Architecture of Spirit and Qi: One or Two Styles?”
[Respondent: Dr. Daryl Ireland (Boston University)]

Talk 2: 9:30-10:45 am 
Dr. Joseph W. Ho (Albion College)
“Camera Illuminata: Photographic Translation and Chinese Christian Sacred Spaces”
[Respondent: Dr. Amy O’Keefe (Meredith College)]

Talk 3: 11:00 am-12:15 pm 
Dr. Robert Carbonneau, CP (University of Scranton/Passionist Archive)
“The Long March of Architecture: The Enduring Passion of the Yan’an Catholic Church”
[Respondent: Dr. Christie Chow (Andrews University)]

Wednesday, 21 April (USA, Pacific Time)

Keynote: 8:00-9:30 am 
Dr. Nancy Steinhardt (University of Pennsylvania)
“Sino-Christian Architecture”
[Introduction: Dr. Amanda C. R. Clark (Whitworth University)]

An open discussion shall follow Professor Steinhardt’s keynote address.

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